About This Blog

This blog began rather randomly, mostly about ballet. It was scattered because it reflected how I felt about my place in relationship to dance – random, at best. Over the past ten years so much has happened – I began to take classes in earnest, increased my ballet centric travel, became more involved in dance blogging, and came more personally in contact with other dancers and lovers of dance. Suddenly, instead of standing wistfully apart, outside from dance, I have found that I am part of this most magical world.

The primary purpose of this blog is to record my experiences as an adult  student of dance and as an adult in love with dance. But as my life has changed so much in the last year, I think for now, I will also share what is going on in my life in general. With Covid changing our world there has been a pause in travel, performances and events but hopefully someday soon I will be able to share with you once again my dance-centric travels, my dance reading, my thoughts from the studio, the seat in the darkened theatre, the stage door and all places where I find dance. I’ll also share with you the ways in which dance intersects with my larger life in general as I’m constantly amazed at how much the beauty, discipline, and experience of dance relates to work, relationships, and all other aspects of life. I won’t offer you dance instruction because I am fully not qualified and think that it is irresponsible of someone of my experience level, but I will occasionally direct you to the many wonderful dance teachers and dance sites online!

I hope you enjoy your time with me in this blog (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest as well!) and I hope you join in the discussion – pull up a chair in my virtual outdoor cafe where the coffee is fabulous and ever flowing; or join me at the barre, we can compare notes about tights and teachers; or we can don our Friday night best and watch our favorite dancers to our hearts delight – wherever we are, let’s talk about our love, our passion – and let’s dance.

All will be well

~Lorry, Bead109

2 thoughts on “About This Blog

  1. Lovely! Don’t know why I haven’t discovered your blog earlier, since you are so clearly a part of the adult beginner ballet community here on WordPress.com!! 🙂

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